Current News
Children Who Bite
Although biting is very common in small children, it causes us adults great concern. Biting is obviously painful and frightening to the victim. It can also cause great stress for the parents of the offender who may feel equally helpless. Biting is normal behavior for infants, toddlers, and even older toddlers. When a very young child bites, it's typically because they are used to putting things in their mouth. A firm "No biting hurts.", disapproving look with redirection (a teething ring) will help resolve this type of behavior. Biting out of frustration is also very common in toddlers even older ones. In this case, children bite because they have become overwhelmed with a play mate or situation as it is their form of communication as they don't have the language skills yet to communicate their needs. Again, a firm demand to stop and then removing the offending child from the situation until they are able to calm down is the best course of action. Give the victim lots of attention and reassurance. Just remember that if your child bites to respond firmly but calmly. Consistency will be key to let your child know that you disapprove. Teaching children appropriate ways to express their frustration, stress, or needs is part of parenting. The good news is that this behavior will eventually stop.
Missy Sjolin
Creative Curriculum
ABC Mouse
We are excited to announce our computer class through ABC Mouse will start back up on 9/14. Computer class will remain in session as long as school does. We will be handing out your child’s ABC Mouse enrollment number if you would like to access it at home also. You have to redeem your child’s code on a desktop computer. You will go to You are welcome to view a parent getting started video below:
- Please bring your hats, mittens, gloves and snow boots.
- Please keep your child(ren) home if he/she are not feeling well or experiencing any FLU symptoms.
- STOP for school buses! As you see daily there are multiple buses dropping and picking up children at Kid’s Haven. We want to ensure safety in the parking lot. Therefore, if you see a bus in the parking lot or at the bus stop, we need you to stop your vehicle, and not move until the bus has left. Please make sure you allow enough time in the mornings and afternoons to be able to ensure our children are safe as we get them on and off buses.
- Please remember to slow down in the parking lot; there are a lot of little people walking through.
- ***If you have a preschool child that is getting on or off a bus we will need a bus form completed ASAP***
- Don’t forget to like and follow on Facebook!
- Kid's Haven is now hiring! Please see our open positions. Here is the link to apply.
Upcoming Events
February is Black History Month
February 03 - March 14: We are welcoming someone into the classroom who works in the construction field. Please let us know if you are interested in coming in
February 04: A walk around the outside of your school building
February 07: Cat's Kids Yoga (Preschool) must have a signed waiver to attend
February 11: A walk around the neighborhood to look at different buildings
February 14: Valentine's Day Celebrations
February 14: Wonder Weavers Storytellers (Preschool)
February 19: Benner Dental (Preschool)
February 28: Ask families to bring in large, empty boxes for children to use to construct buildings
Calendar of Events