Extracurricular Activities
3 Years Old and Up
At Kid's Haven, we offer a variety of extracurricular fitness, music, and computer for children. Children that are in attendance will receive the opportunity to join in on these extracurricular classes each week, free of charge. All extracurricular classes are for children ages 3 years old and up.
Fitness Classes
Research has shown that consistent exercise in early childhood can assist in brain development as well as overall physical health.
Our classes facilitate all kinds of movement, including cross-lateral movement, which is crucial for enhancing brain development. Cross-lateral movements are those in which arms and legs cross over the midline of the body. Crossing the mid-line forces both sides of the brain to communicate.
Computer Class
At Kid's Haven we use ABCmouse as our computer curriculum. ABCmouse is an award winning curriculum. It helps kids learn to read through phonics, and teaches lessons in math, social studies, art, music, and much more. All children in our care 3 years of age and older get the opportunity to participate in computer class throughout their day with us.
If you are a student of Kid's Haven Child Care and Preschool and would like to register for one of our Extracurricular Programs. You will need to complete the proper enrollment form and turn it into the front office.