About Us


Kid's Haven provides child care and preschooling for all children without regard to race, creed, religion, sex, or economic level. Therefore, we welcome all children with open arms. Admission includes the completion of registration form, permission slips, and health care summary. The registration fee is due at this time.


Medical Requirements

It is required by the State of Minnesota that we have a health care summary signed by a physician stating the child enrolling has had a physical examination within six months prior to enrollment. A record on immunization is also required. It is your responsibility to keep these updated.


Kid's Haven carries general liability insurance. Our insurance covers all enrolled children while participating in all of our activities. The parents' insurance is primary, with Kid's Haven's being secondary.

Tuition Rates

Please see our tuition rates. We also offer our families a variety of different billing options which you can read about here.

Forms Required

New Family Registration

New Family Registration

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